A drunk driver ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of the van killing a 13-year-old due to a seat belt product defect.
Failure to diagnose cerebellar stroke patient presenting to an emergency department and unlicensed practice of medicine causing incomplete quadriplegic.
Worker installing prefabricated modular building suffered crushed pelvis and internal injuries due to contractor failure to prepare construction site.
The insurer failed to timely settle an uninsured motorist claim that resulted in jury verdict of $30,700,000.
Vehicle operated by defendant was traveling at a high rate of speed while under the influence, struck a curb, and traveled into the lanes of Plaintiff. Plaintiff suffered severe bodily injuries.
Husband and father of four killed when a locomotive frame came off the transport trailer and crashed into his vehicle resulting in immediate death.
Civil engineer failed to identify wetlands on plans causing construction to cease.
Infant had both feet severely burned when defective laptop computer caught fire on bed.